New Collection: Monastery Kalenić

The collection of the Kalenić monastery is available to a worldwide audience. It contains photographs of the entire wall painting of the monastery church, its architecture, sculptural decoration, and the surrounding courtyard. You can also take a virtual tour of the church's interior and enjoy the selection of the most representative photographs in the Highlights gallery.

The church dedicated to the Presentation of the Mother of God was built and painted between 1418 and 1427. According to the inscription beneath the founders' composition in the narthex made by an 18th-century monk named Gerasim, the church was built by Protovestiary Bogdan, his wife Milica, and brother Petar, during the reign of Despot Stefan Lazarević. He is also depicted alongside the ktetorial family.

Since the church was without an adequate roof during Ottoman rule, much of the fresco painting in the interior had deteriorated, especially in the upper zones. Still, the artistic excellence of the painting can be discerned in the remaining frescoes. In addition to its murals, the church of the Kalenić monastery is known for its intricate architectural decoration adorning its windows and facades.

Kalenić monastery- the church and dormitory
Wedding at Cana, detail
Rose window


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