Monastery Studenica collection available online

 The complete collection of Monastery Studenica is available on the BLAGO website. More than three thousand pictures represent the work of BLAGO over the last few years.

BLAGO Expedition 2008, personal story

In June of 2008, BLAGO Fund went to Kosovo & Metohija to record and archive some smaller churches and monasteries. Radmilo Bozinovic, the author of this story, was with BLAGO for the first time. Besides being part of the crew for the archiving work, this is also Radmilo's personal pilgrimage to an area regarded as a cradle of Serbian identity a...

Blago Fund continues its cooperation with Princeton and Harvard Universities

The BLAGO Fund Team donated slides and DVDs on Serbian monasteries to the Princeton and Harvard Universities. Slides and DVDs were created by the BLAGO field team during their years of extensive work in Monastery Mileseva, August 2000, 195 slides; Monastery Studenica, Monastery Gracanica, June 2003, 98 slides; Monastery Decani, June 2004, 21 slides...

Save the White Angel, Diary

From Mija StanojkovicSuccessful Start - June 24, 2001 Greetings from Belgrade, although I should do it from Mileseva. With two associates, I settled in the old dorm. The first working week is already behind us. The weather conditions were not favorable for us, but we managed. It rained non-stop for three days so we were forced to a different r...

BLAGO Content

While the content of the BLAGO Fund collections is free to use,  there are also some restrictions on commercial use and proper attribution of the material.  Follow the links below for more information.

> BLAGO Collections License
> Image Request

BLAGO Fund also accepts the contribution of material. Please contact us with any material you wish to publish on our website.


BLAGO Fund, Inc.
PO Box 60524
Palo Alto, CA 94306

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